your air and water
Name: Gabriel KohCK aka Rooney aka TBH
School: Ngee Ann Polytechnic
Age: 20 dis yr
Club: Manchester United and BAM
Wish: Finish my poly studies smoothly, buy my first Honda Integra, Celica, Rx8 and find my msrite soon!!
1. ManUtd!
2. Celica!
3. Rooney!
4. Evo9!
5. TBH!
wooo hooo!!! / Thursday, October 27, 2005
yeah!! finally!!! i bought a new fone and gt rid of my old and not user frenly fone!!! hahaha.... my old fone gt alot of memories... but i can bear to leave it cos its so frustrating using e fone... hahha... don know y i buy also hahah... but nvr mind... now i hv a new fone liao!!! a 3G wan somemore!! hahaha.. nokia wan... dan camera solid... can take pics more of myself liao... hahaha... i really hv to thnak my dad for buyin for me... hahaha.... cos very ex and i last yr dec jus change only... somemore i holiday nvr wrk... aiya... guilty la... next sem break i confirm wrk.... i set wan.. no more slacking at home.... hahaha... think nthing much la... monday sh open liao... sianzzz!!!!! but gt new fone to pei me at least quite ok la... and somemore gt alot of new shirts.. cant wait to wear to sch hahaha... but wa si bei sian!!1 KNN.... dan tue holi again dan thu holi again... also ok la... hahaha... tmr my family gg genting except for me and sis... i also wana go again wan... but they buy ticket nvr tell me... haiya... sian... if not go there relax again bfore sch starts.... blog another time... chaozz...
11:13 PM
argh sch startin soon!! / Sunday, October 23, 2005
one more week to new sem!!!! sian la!!! so fast another wk pass..... wa si bei sian!!this wk at least ok la.... tue nite went yh hse watch soccer.... watch my manu draw wif lille... KNN... sian... dan at home so sian... my dad ask me do some painting for my rm and whole hse..... wa tired man... i still gt alot of places haven paint!! fri went to jb.. dan bought shirt and 2 games... hahahaha.... finaly gt new games to play... won be so sian liao.... hahaha... dan my shirt quite satisfied la.. if know bring more $$ buy a few more.... but gg to msia a little irritated... at e msia custom so hot man... KNN.... i sweat like nuts... gt air con like don hv like dat... dan somemore open 2 counter only!! @%$#@&..... their mind gt serious problem.... so slack one thier wrkers... dan they makin a new custom... make for wad?? in the end also lousy wan wad... waste money... freaks... dan sat also wrkin lor... painting my hse again... hahhaa... i when paining will on radio.. dan my mum will say i like those msian painters like dat.. pwint dat time mus listen radio... hahaha.... shy.... painting don listen music will die one man... will suffer depression.... muahaha.... lame rite... dan sat nite go gh hse for awhile go there play game and fei for awhile dan dat gh so shy don wan watch soccer... dan me and yh go our as per normal hangout pub to watch soccer lor... e pub is e coffeeshop at market there... hahaha.... our so called soccer pub... dan watch my team play lor.... wa rooney cool man... like me... pace, agility, skill and e passion for e sport.. hahhaa.... dan today wrk again... today OT.... haha.. start frm afternoon till 7 like dat.... wa stress.... i think soon can start paintin company liao.... hahah... dan gt watch e charity show to see ou de yang... but dat sucker still don wan to show his face... he really testing my patience... he shy till like dat... if so shy might as well next time go out put a plastic bag ovr his head... i can give him e sheng shiong plastic bag... big one enough for his head i think... hahahhaa... so sian man!!! my new time table every monday 8 to 6!!! KNN... wan my life... argh!! bored is e word... dats all la i think dat sums up e whole wk... hahah... no life leh me... hope can faster buy new hp by dis wk... dan like dat gt mood go sch liao... if not.... sian... and also wana gt e watch i saw a wk ago at bugis... chaoz...
11:16 PM
Ben's birthday... hahaha.... / Monday, October 17, 2005
hahaha..... nice pic hor?? hahaha... i kiss for those looking at my blog now!!! hahaa... hmmm... today is da ge da birthday... benton... gh yh and his makiyo we went bugis first lor... dat gh wana shop.... he shop ask so many ppl go?? somemore guys shop wif guys?? hahaha... nvr mind lo... gd fren... hahaha.... dan ben birth... i hesistate whether wan go.. dan in the end ok lo....dat gh keep telling me dat a girl wana know me... haiya.. dan keep sayin e girls name... KNN... i also don know who is dat... kaoz.. hahaha... i mong zhe(5566) leh... so many fans... used to it liao... muahahahaha... dan go there i end up buy a t shirt recommended by gh... not bad la e design... nxt wk gg again to shop for clothes cos new sem startin liao... mus be fresh... hahaha... so can know more girls... hahaha... after bugis we went back wdlands sing song lor... today i no form... didn sing well la... sian... we sing till we drop lor... surprisingly todai i didn conquer in e karaok as i usually do.. but it is ben who dominate... hahaha... dan we sing duet lor when wan to end dat time... hahaha... boy n boy duet?? funny sia... hahaha... lucky i sing e boy part.... hahaha.... dan after dat go hm lo... sian... 2 more wks open sch liao... haiya... update nxt time.. chaoz...
1:26 AM
no comments....... / Saturday, October 15, 2005
wa sian......... long no update blog liao.... cos lazy to update... and busy playing game.. hahah.. actually nthing to write la... last sat went out wif ys yh gh ben to eat taste of thai... hahaha... bfore dat went to buy jersey.... i gt my new manutd kit finally!!!!!!! cant wait to wear when sch reopen... btw its fake... hahaha... as per normal crap all e way to taste of thai in sembawang... hahaha... so long we gd buddies nvr eat together liao.... ben and yh keep fei lor... haha... dan go overnite at gh hse... wa play mahjong, play winnin eleven, and order mac... hahaha... dan mornin go home slp like slping beauty.... hhaha... dan not much activity lor... went bugis catch the movie 'goal'... wa solid show... my dream also like dat... but to play wif manutd partnering rooooooney upfront and playin in champs league.... hahha... imagine wif me and rooney... wa... the best strikeforc in man u history... hahaha... if the gaffer paly 4-3-3 dan i left forward dan van nistelrooy centre dan my gd fren roooooney on right.... wa solid... hahaha.... we gg to conquer europe!!!!! dan these few days at home lor... be guai kia... hahaha... every nite play game till 4 in mornin.... hahaa.... no life man me.... hahah.... sch wana start liao... mus faster go buy some new shirts liao... gettin bored of my shirt now... hahaha.... sian..... tmr finally gt epl liao... gettin excited... k la wana go play game liao... no life.... haha.... update when gt mood lor..... hoho
12:25 AM
misunderstoodzzzz........... / Thursday, October 06, 2005
today went to meet yh wan buy jersey wan frm pasar malam wan..... but dat sucker last minute say don wan......... waste my trip there.... somemore wait for him so long.... cos he wif sharon buy something.... hahaha... i also not so petty wan... haha..... dan after dat yh plan say go take my ps go his hse paly.... dan i think ok not bad idea... cos also kinda sian..... dan go his hse lor.... wa... keep losing to him... don know y..... we play for 4 hrs man... dan also i help him do his fm..... hahhaa... his liverpool keep losing... song bo!!! wa jus come back frm genting i still so energetic.... sian.... dan ard 7 i leave for home liao lor....went home dat time very sad.... dan had a quarrel wif mum...... dan we tok to solve misuderstandings.... hai.... dat time very sad... dan we heart 2 heart... dan i realised dat i was wrong.... so wrong..... she really cared for me... and there was no hatred between us.... i began to understand wad she was toking and i shd be grateful to my parents and my family... i also shd contribute more to my family.... all these misunderstanding is finally solved... i really wana start changing my attitude and my temper.... hai.... so sad... but all is done.... there is more love now... i am glad we cleared dis misunderstanding....... i really love my family... now i finally see a clearer picture of the warmth in my family..... i love u lots mum and dad... and also sis and bro... (actually while i was in genting, i was homesick!! haha)
11:50 PM
Me and guo hao.................... palz man..... F2..
A preview of genting.................
Getting ready for my scariest day of my life!!
Me and Yip hoo............. palz man...... .. shy.......
Best Buddies 4ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Really had fun take care guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Best buddies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2:38 AM
back frm Genting / Wednesday, October 05, 2005
wa...... back frm my holidays in genting... hahahaha.... tired now man... e bus ride so long..... but nvr mind go holiday worth it.... e 3 days there really gt many things to play... except at nite.... hahaha... i always wana slp first.. dat two suckers gh and yh keep don wan to slp... they shy....... haha... e first day reach there ard 6 in mornin dan we happily wait to check in man..... KNN wait so long... since mus wait so long we go grab a bite lor... wa every where e food so ex man!!! eat liao still kinda early we went explore ard lor..... wa soooo cold... freezing to death... dan soon check in one room temporary stay there... dan we 3 and gh dad gt some rest... they all weak all slp... i watch tv lor.. hahaha... dan later see thm slp so shiok i also join them slp lor... hahaha.... tired... WA.. dan i slp like 45 min i gt waken up by a nooise... and dat noise is gh FART!!! i slp until my face jus beside his butt!!! wa kao!!! i wake up he down ther laughing happily... KNN... hahaha... dan we wash up and plan for our day lor..... our first day we go sing song and go to e ripleys believe it or not... hahaha... wa e ripleys si bei fun man.... alot of things to see.... dan we go haunted hse.. also ripleys wan... wa e haunted hse like shit man... i scare till urine. hahaha... no la... i act man lor... walk in front of gh and yh.. hahaha funny man..... walk finish liao we went sing song lor... quite cheap leh... but songs not as much as spore party world... hahaha... as per normal sing F4, li sheng jie, du de wei and jays song lor... hahaha..... e person serve us drinks wan see us sing f4 also AM CHIO.... hahaha... we si bei malu... haha.... sing liao till quite late liao we go walk lor.. dan buy kfc back to hotel eat... afterdat we relax in e hotel liao lo... dan i suggest we slp cos i very tired... dan dat two fei ren don wanaslp... cos only 8 plus... ask me play dai dee wif them... hahaha... dan i also lanlan... dan they also so sian they slp lor.... hahaha... but dat gh make us cant slp... keep on and off e lights in e room..... KNN..... dan we finally slp lor... dan in e middle of nite dat yh keep waking up ask wad time... haiya spoil my beauty slp.... haha... day 2 liao... we gt up at 830.... thx to my gd fren gh hahaha i forced to wake up so early.... i still can slp for hours wan.... dan we get ready and left for e theme park!!! we reach there early man. 10 in mornin... e theme park fun so long didn go theme park play liao lo.... we paly roller coaster la... alot la... but e highlight of it is e megadrop... me and gh play only.. dat yh scared... haiya how to go army yh ???!!! haha.. jking la..... wa i starting quite calm wan dan when gt on eride liao to gt ready i start to panic... hahaha.... dan slowly we go up higher and higher until i see ppl frm below like ants... hahaha... dan i tell gh to get ready for worse lor... dan suddenly no warnin KNN!!! we drop down so fast!!! wa my heart almost drop out sia.... i tot i gg to die sia... hahha... si bei scary..... but at least gt try something nvr try bfore.... dan we play somemore roller coaster and also drive antique car ard e theme park wan.... hahaha..... dan e last ride for e day was e boat we sit slide down dan gt water splash wan.... hahaha.. don know wad it called.... wa starting so happy wana sit dat ride... dan after we slide down e first slide my whole body al wet... hahaha.... somemore i sit in front... by e time we go down i wet like crazy liao KNn.... ard 5 plus we went bacjk to hotel change lor... dan go sing song again cos we gt voucher.... hahha.... dan sing till 8like dat we went eat bak kut teh recommende by the fei ren yh...... hahaha... gh parents treat us... wa i and yh very pai seh... we shy leh.... wa e bak kut teh really solid man.... first time yh recommend good things..... hahhaa.... dan after dat we go shopping liao lo... hahha... i bought a tshirt quite cheap.... dan gh and yh also buy...... dan we continue shop lor.... dan really tired liao go back hotel room..... bu when reach there sian.... so i suggest tot them we go ard and ring ppl belll hahahhaa.... childish idea man me.... hai... we play for awhile dan we go back to our room liao lor....dan we start our own casino lor.... hahaha... we play dai dee lor.... hahaha...... and we fei all e way lor.. and dat gh keep farting...dat sucker... KNN... dan dat yh also keep toking fei hua... haiya... i also too tired i also fei wif them lor... we fei all e way lor... hahaha... funny sia... we play dai dee till very late ard 12 plus dan we get ready slp lor... but we nvr slp.... we chat lor... gh tell his story dan i tell my story dan yh tell his lor..... we tok till 4 sia.... hahaha.... dan so tired until slp... dan morning again i still can slp longer wan... dat gh and yh make noise again and wake me up.... KNN!!!!!!!!!!!! fed up man... dat two suckers..... hai.... wake up lo.. after all afternnon gg home liao.... hahaha.... gh made some last min shopping dan we off back to spore liao lo..... on e bus we fei again lor... ahahha..... i keep saying e k one song line until they all two treat me as fei ren..... busted..... shy.... haha..... we also pass by KL dan saw e petronas towers.... dan now finally home lor... great to be home... hahaha.... wa tmr results out liao... kinda of panic leh... may god bless me.... hope to go holiday again dis time wif ben and ys coming along too.... dan e 5 of us can relax.... hahaha... chaoz.....
11:32 PM